Listen, you’ve heard time and time again that voting is not only a privilege but a responsibility.  If the current economic, political, and social climate has left you disgusted and spent, then your immediate response should be to make your voice heard.  

VOTE! Then, figure out how to get involved!

Start. Here⬇︎

The VOTING page on your county’s website has a nifty tool to help you verify your registration status.  It’s pretty simple to use and you only need information that is personally unique to you.  Here’s what it looks like for residents in Cobb County, Georgia.

If you’re a registered voter, here’s a sample of all of the information that is available to help you prepare for election day:

  1. Where to go to vote early (a great option if you’re interested in avoiding the lines typically associated with Election Day.)
  2. Find your polling location if you choose to vote (on election day).
  3. Locate the open and close times for your polling location (on election day).
  4. Get directions to your polling place (on election day).
  5. Find Information on how to vote by mail
  6. Track the status of your absentee ballot
  7. Preview a sample ballot (options available by political party)

Not all of the voter pages will look exactly like this one, but you should still be able to find the same pertinent information using the tools provided by your county.

TOP TIPS for facing the ballot on election day


The Googles is your friend here people!  Make sure you’re voting for a candidate that will represent you well in these political streets.  You can start by checking out their voting record on issues that matter to you.  Many candidates, like Congressman David Scott who is supported by GA Realtors®, publish this data directly on their websites.


Most voters expect to choose from a list of candidates seeking to represent you locally and in Washington, DC.  But what catches some people off guard, are the cryptically worded policy questions tacked on at the end of the ballot.

To most voters, this part often feels like a pop quiz you’re woefully unprepared for.  This is the actual sample ballot for the upcoming Georgia election on June 9, 2020, which includes the questions that legislators are asking voters to weigh in on.  And don’t get the idea that you can “cheat off your neighbor’s paper”, because the questions are different based on whether you vote as a democrat, republican or independent.

Save Time— VOTE EARLY!

Listen, voting is a very real and IMPORTANT way to do your part as a global citizen.  But let’s be real, sis— so is #SocialDistancing!

To make your visit to the polls more efficient, it may be a good idea to check the wait times at your polling location before you head over.  

June 5th is the last day to early vote in Georgia.


What if I can’t find the voter page for my county?

If you’re not able to find the voter information for your county, there are websites like VOTE 411 that consolidate this information for you to help you:

  • See What’s On Your Ballot
  • Find Your Polling Place
  • Discover Upcoming Debates And Forums In Your Area
  • and much more!