It seems like a million years ago when I first heard Auntie Oprah say something like, “your home is your refuge. It should rise up to greet you when you arrive.”
I don’t know why, but without any effort from me, the idea stuck— like, in a BIG WAY.  And every since then I’ve been determined to create a home that surrounds me like my favorite blanket and is filled with all the things that I absolutely love!

Let me take you back to about six years ago when I purchased the perfect house for me…which also happened to need a COMPLETE remodel.  I mean it looked like 1985 threw up in every room of the house.  From the carpet in the bathrooms to the themed wallpaper in every single room, the one thing I knew for sure is that I for real had my work cut out for me! 😩

Now I know that all that nostalgia would be a huge turn off for most.  But for me, one of the best things about being a homeowner is the freedom to transform a space into your own personal sanctuary.

I’m not gonna like to you, it’s been a bit of a journey!  For instance, I overhauled my kitchen, then stalled on renovations for the next 3 years.  Lord that’s another story— but right now, one of my favorite spaces is my craft room. It’s the place in the house where I do my best thinking and I LOVE IT!

It’s mostly complete, but I’ve been stuck for months wondering what to do with all the inspirational pieces I have temporarily propped on my supply cabinets.

I feel you judging my photography!
But this pic was taken on a super cloudy day with not so great lighting.

That is, until I came across this article— 4 Smart Strategies for Creating a Stylish Gallery Wall in Real Simple magazine.  The “Lean It On Ledge” option was ideal for my project!  (If you have the magazine, the spread starts on page 116.)

First of all, can we take a moment to properly swoon over the mid-century design in this feature space!

Now back to business!

I love the minimalist design of the photo ledges, the flexibility to change out the pieces over time, as well as the ability to change the configuration without damaging the walls! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

So far, I’ve found a couple of really cool photo ledge options at one of my favorite shopping spots:  @CB2.

Since either of these options will work for my space, I’ve got my work cut out for me.  However, I look forward to finalizing my choice and updating you guys with (much better) photos of my upgrade!

Which one do you think I should choose?